The goal was to do my own responsive WordPress theme designed and coded specially for vzx photography portfolio. I was searching for some info about responsive design and decided to use beautiful, full of cool features and easy to customize mobile first Bootstrap 3 framework. The result is very minimal, lightweight, clean and customizable theme with integrated FancyBox (with touch support), Masonry, MouseWheel jQuery scripts. It looks good both on desktop monitor or on phone browser.
Responsive Bootstrap 3 mobile first framework
Main page with 4 random images from various galleries. Every image links to specified gallery.
Sticky menu with custom 2 level child menu and switching between two languages.
Gallery front page with rounded featured images and custom hover color.
Inside gallery. Short story on the left with affix block and masonry image tiles.
Clicking on image opens integrated FancyBox Beta 3 overlay with thumbnails and added Pinterest button. You can cycle between images with keyboard, mouse, mouse wheel or by swiping on tablets/smartphones.
Contact page with custom contact form and QR code for easier adding photographer contacts to a phone book.
Blog front page with featured images and masonry posts tiles.
Inside post. Floating affix block with social buttons on the left side. Custom comment form.